What's Happening @ FBC
​ Check out the events for the week of 12/22/2024
Our Weekly Schedule
8:30a Contemporary Worship Service (in the CORE)
9:30a Fellowship
9:45a Sunday School for All Ages
11:00a Traditional Worship Service (in the Sanctuary)
7:00p Facebook Live Bible Study
6:30p Discipleship Classes (please check our events)
Find Your Place to Jump In!!
* The Church office will be closed for the holidays on December 25th – 26th, and January 1st.
* Sunday, December 29th – Guest speaker, Kenny Evans - special joint service at 10:30 am (no Sunday School) with a fellowship lunch afterward. We will be collecting a love offering for Kenny and his ministry. You can give in person through the designated love offering envelopes in the gathering space or you can give online at www.firstbaptistmocksville.org/give (select “love offering Kenny Evans” in the dropdown).
The church will provide the meat and drinks for the fellowship meal following the 10:30am service. Please bring sides and desserts to share.
Kenny will also be performing at 6:00pm at Fairview Baptist Church (349 Turnersburg Hwy, Statesville).
* End of Year Giving – If you would like your gift to be considered in 2024, cash or checks must be received by Sunday, December 29th.
* We are excited to welcome Harry Hatcher & his family to FBC Mocksville on Sunday, January 5, 2025.
* Missions Team Meeting – Sunday, January 12th following the second service (lunch will be provided). Please RSVP to the church office at fbcmocksvilleoa@gmail.com or 336-751-5312.
* KIDSWALK - Sunday School Classes begin at 9:45am.
Parents join our Kid's Walk Remind app at https://www.remind.com/join/fbckidswa​​
* FACEBOOK LIVE BIBLE STUDY - Will resume at 7:00pm on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.​
* DISCIPLESHIP CLASSES - Will resume at 6:30pm on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
Senior Adults - Contact Linda Lenoard at 336-909-2370​​​​